Tag archives for Java

How do I connect Java with MS Excel? Try Webservices with SOAP!

It is possible to connect Java and MS Excel using various technologies. Some of theses technologies include COM and DCOM wrappers like Groovy Scriptom,  or J-Interop. Or other direct addin solutions like XLLoop. In this article, we want to follow a different paths: Webservices with SOAP. This connection type is designed for the internet with […]

What shall I choose for implementing an Excel plugin and UDF?

This question often arises, when you need to provide pricing functions for end-users and connect them to data sources, especially real-time data feeds. The answer heavily depends on your existing code you would like to include.

How do you get free historical market data?

This is a very important and usual task. Historical data is mainly required for risk management purposes, model validation and back-testing. For these tasks software systems like Theta Suite, Matlab, Java or Excel are the main work space. We need to import the data here.